Django Life Tracker
2025-02-16 13:00:00


I like writing down everything important in my life, including where I meet people, what I spent money for etc. To make it easier, I used to use Microsoft Excel to record them. 2 months ago, Microsoft told me that they're going to raise the price of Microsoft 365, so I decided to build a web app to track my life.

The app should have the following features:

  • Record important life events
    • Events should have a type, time, location, name, notes and people
    • Events can be searched by name and filtered by type
  • Record financial transactions
    • A transaction should have amount, type, merchant, and category
    • The app can generate a report for last month's transactions
    • Transactions can be imported from a csv file

Used Tech Stack

  • Django
  • Chart.js
  • SQLite


Below is the screen shot of adding an event:


Below is the header part of transactions page. It demonstrate the pie charts of last month's expenses and incomes:


Below is the screen shot of importing transactions:


Future work

Currently, the app is using a super long list to extract merchant. User still needs to type the category manually. It would be nice to have category detected based on the merchant.


The repo is here