Hi, my name is Mengqiu, a full stack developer currently working in DataDrill Communications in Calgary, Canada. My friends usually call me Roger.
I have Bachelor of Science degree from University of British Columbia and Diploma of Information Technology from Southern Alberta Institution of Technology. After working in several industries, I finally decide to live as a software developer. During after-work time, I like playing computer games and hiking.
Currently, my primary programming language is Python. I also can code with Java, JavaScript, SQL and C++.
I have finished several projects during my last a few years, including timesheet, inventory management report and of course this site! I also worked with a project that is deployed on Raspberry Pi and has interactions with different RF sensors and components. Although the most projects I had touched with are web based, I am trying to spend more time in working with hardware. You will see more projects and posts here in the future.
Once you stop learning, you start dying. - Albert Einstein